For AthletesRecruiting 101Recruiting Guidance
One Career-Ending Injury Later: Here’s What I Learned
The Broken Leg Test The recruiting process can be a very thrilling and even a flattering process. Having all of these coaches show interest in you is exciting. It can also make it difficult to remember the bigger picture: Being a collegiate athlete is an incredible experience...but it isn't the only one. Many experiences will
Club Sports Industry TrendsRecruiting GuidanceRecruiting: Guide Your Athletes
NCAA Division I Council Passes New Legislation to Halt Early Recruiting
After meeting April 17th and April 18th in Indianapolis, the NCAA Division I Council has voted to adopt sweeping changes to the current recruiting model in an effort to put a stop to early recruiting. To note, these changes will be effective starting in the 2018-2019 academic year. This new legislation applies to ALL Division
For AthletesRecruiting 101Recruiting Guidance
The Uncommitted 2019s Path to Success: Webinar Recap
The Uncommitted 2019s Path to Success: Webinar Summary If you're a 2019, it's time to ramp up your recruiting efforts if you want to get to the commitment letter. In this webinar, you'll learn: What to do if you are graduating in 2019 and have not yet committed. How to communicate with college coaches
For AthletesRecruiting 101Recruiting Guidance
April 11th: How Does National Signing Day Affect My Recruiting Process?
April 11th, 2018 is likely circled on any senior student-athlete’s calendar. The date marks the beginning of the Regular National Letter of Intent Signing Period for Division I and Division II athletes in ALL sports except Football, Men’s and Women’s Soccer, and Men’s Water Polo. The table below, from, highlights the key dates surrounding
ExposureRecruiting 101
2020 Grads – How to Navigate the Recruiting Process With Ease: Webinar Recap
2020 Grads - How to Navigate the Recruiting Process With Ease: Webinar Summary If you're a 2020, it's time to ramp up your recruiting efforts. With summer fast approaching, it's important that you take this time to get on college coaches' radars. In this webinar, you'll learn: What to do if you are a
For AthletesRecruiting 101Recruiting Guidance
5 Tips to Align Your Athletic Goals With Your Academic Ones
The Best of Both Worlds The most important thing to understand about your recruiting process is that you don't have to sacrifice your academic goals to play college sports. Prospective student-athletes can have their cake and eat it, too. Check out the following five tips to learn how you can excel in your sport and
Recruiting Events
Super Sunday: Top Girls Lacrosse Recruiting Event in the Northeast
The Super Sunday lacrosse recruiting event will take place on Sunday, July 29th at Wesleyan University. The single-day showcase circuit is one of the best lacrosse recruiting events in the Northeast. The lineup includes Fab Frosh Girls Lacrosse Showcase, Super Sophs Girls Lacrosse Showcase, and Super Juniors Girls Lacrosse Showcase. More than 50 college coaches