The best part about the SportsRecruits Messaging System is that your messages automatically include a direct link to your personal profile. This means that coaches are only one-click away from seeing your potential as an academic athlete. When a coach views your profile or watches your video, SportsRecruits notifies you who it was. But how do you know what to say in your email? Don’t have a SportsRecruits account yet? Sign up for free here.

It is important to make a great first impression in collegiate athletic recruiting and it is difficult to convey your personality and genuine interest through an email. You want to set yourself apart from others and below are some tips to ensure your email captures a coach’s attention.

Keep It Short and To the Point.

Coaches get hundreds of emails from players each year, so refrain from telling them your entire lacrosse history. If you received a noteworthy award(s), mention it, but don’t list every accolade you have ever received. They can see that on your profile!

Include the Essentials

Not everything is important, but college coaches need to know certain things about you, quickly, before they can consider you for their program. You want to include the following:

  • Your Name – you would be surprised how often players forget this!
  • Your Position – so coaches can determine if they need to fill your position, or not.
  • Your Club Team and Number – Be specific because your club program likely has 2-5 teams per age group. Also include your number so coaches will be able to find you easily on the court if they want to see you play in person.
  • Your Graduation Year – This is VERY important because coaches are only allowed to contact you after September 1st of your junior year (per NCAA rules). In other words, they can’t write back before this time. However YOU can contact a coach as much as you like. If you call a coach and he / she picks up, the coach can speak with you for as long they want since the player is the one who made the initial contact. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS BY BEING PROACTIVE!


Make It Personal!

It’s easy for coaches to see through a blast email. So do yourself a favor and write a personal email to each coach. This shows coaches you are genuinely interested in their program, and they will spend more time reviewing your information and video. This will also get you thinking about why you would actually want to attend each school.

Link Video

Probably the most important aspect of an introduction letter is access to video. You may sound great on paper, but a coach won’t make any serious evaluations of you until they can see you play. This is why the SportsRecruits Messaging System is so great! When you send an email through the site, your profile link is automatically embedded, giving coaches one-click access to your video.


The Template

Now that you know what to include in your email, see how we applied the tips above in a sample college recruiting email template:

Dear Coach_____,

My name is _______________ . I am a 2016 goalie, currently playing club for Ultimate Lacrosse Club, U16 Black out of Orlando, FL.  I attend Central High School and last season I was an All-American nominee.

I am beginning to explore my college options and am very interested attending and playing Lacrosse at Sports Recruits University. Sports Recruits University offers everything I am looking for in a college experience i.e. a university close to home, a world renowned business program, and a competitive lacrosse program with a winning tradition. Therefore, I want to introduce myself and give you some information about my athletic and academic backgrounds.

Please click on the link below to access all of my information including contact information, coach’s contact information, lacrosse awards, travel schedule, lacrosse statistics, and academic information. You will also be able to watch my highlight reel and an un-edited game on my SportsRecruits player profile.

I hope you will have the opportunity to watch our team play this season. I believe I have the ability to be a part of your team, and contribute to its future success.

Thank you for your consideration.


Your Name
Your Phone Number
Your Address

With this sample college recruiting email template, you’re ready to reach out to a coach! So head on over to the SportsRecruits Message Center and get to work.

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SportsRecruits is the leading college recruiting network, connecting athletes, clubs, high schools, and college coaches in the recruiting process. Every year, millions of connections are made between student-athletes and college coaches in our network, resulting in thousands of commitments to the best academic and athletic institutions.

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