Shauna PuglieseOn the experience:

Having gone through a recruiting cycle for my son without having Lacrosserecruits, we really appreciate what your service provides.

It made the recruiting process for my daughter so much more manageable. It is especially helpful to have all of your information in one place so that you don’t have to continuously send out DVDs, transcripts, camp information, etc.

I think the coaches particularly liked being able to watch my daughter play just by going to your web site. The fact that you respond to all questions about your service/site by email so quickly is fantastic. We were never left hanging or waiting for an answer about anything. Not having to search for all the coaches emails is also a big plus.

Anyway, my daughter was thrilled to commit to Notre Dame just recently so we are done for now. Thanks for your help in getting there. I hope you guys are a huge success!

Scott Pugliese