It’s been almost a year since the debut of LRNews.
Prior to that, my last real exposure to lacrosse was on the field in May of 2009 at Wesleyan University, where we lost in the NCAA Tournament (something I am definitely not still bitter about. At all. I swear.).
Taking this one step further, I had no real experience, ever, with the recruiting scene as it currently exists. Graduating high school on Long Island in 2005, there were not yet many club teams or weekly events. There were the Empire Team tryouts, a showcase or two and your high school team. That’s about it.
To say these past 12 months have been eye-opening is probably an understatement. Many aspects of a sport I had played since 1st grade – things like year-round showcases, tournaments, early recruiting, “gear" obsession, etc. – were foreign to me. While I saw plenty of recognizable things, I also saw some troubling aspects as well.
So, I did what any rational adult would around the holiday season: I wrote a letter to Santa in the hopes that he can bring some holiday cheer – and maybe even change - to the sport.