Lazarus-StillHave you committed to a school?
[I have committed to] Syracuse. It had everything I ever wanted in a school. It is a dream come true.

How was your experience?
My experience was great. My profile was very easy to use.

Was the staff helpful to you throughout the process?
Yes, they answered all my questions.

How did you use to increase your exposure to college coaches?

[wp_lightbox_ultimate_inline_content_embed div_id=”1_ekre9kcr” anchor_type=”image” title=”Chavez-Video” text=”click here play video” source=”” width=”240″ height=”180″ auto_popup=”false”]

The most useful part was that I could store so much information in one place. My highlight videos increased my exposure to college coaches.

How do you think gave you an advantage over your peers who tried to do it on their own?

It gave me an advantage because I stored all my information, transcripts, and highlight videos in one place. It was only one click of the mouse away.

Would you recommend to a friend that wants to play college lacrosse? Does it work?
Yes I would and yes it does.