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Spike Malangone

Too Embarrassed to Ask: Do College Coaches Care About Social Media?

Welcome to the eleventh installment of our weekly column, “Too Embarrassed to Ask,” where we’ll examine a hot topic from the world of recruiting that parents and student-athletes may want to know more about, but may shy away from asking because it is considered assumed knowledge. Think of this column like a cheat sheet for those instances it is no longer acceptable to ask a question, say, having met someone three times but still not knowing their name. This week’s issue: Social Media. ...

3 Reasons to Seek Constructive Criticism

At every athletic level, the elite players are those most willing to respond to challenges and consistently striving to get better. Accepting the status-quo for these elite players is not an option, because it suggests being content; a lessened desire to get better. Regardless of skill level, every player can get better. There is always room for improvement, from the last player on the bench to the first on the field. One of the biggest secrets to improving may not be obvious, but it’s vital: Constructive criticism. Here are 3 reasons why. ...

Too Embarrassed to Ask: AP Classes or a Higher GPA?

Welcome to the tenth installment of our weekly column, “Too Embarrassed to Ask,” where we’ll examine a hot topic from the world of recruiting that parents and student-athletes may want to know more about, but may shy away from asking because it is considered assumed knowledge. Think of this column like a cheat sheet for those instances it is no longer acceptable to ask a question, say, having met someone three times but still not knowing their name. This week’s issue: Academic transcripts. ...