“The platform allows us to focus our attention on those players that are serious about playing in college, and truly looking for a best fit for them.”
– Jessica Turnbull, Director
Cobb Atlanta is invested in helping their players navigate recruiting. Having the ability to distinguish between reactive versus proactive players means that Cobb Atlanta staff members can spend more time on the players that are serious about playing in college.
The club offers SportsRecruits to families as part of its recruiting program. In this video, Cobb Atlanta Club Director Jessica Turnbull shares how the SportsRecruits platform allows Cobb Atlanta to do more than hold players accountable. It empowers them to target their guidance to those players that are serious about receiving it.
About Cobb Atlanta
Cobb Atlanta’s mission is to teach each player the game of volleyball in a healthy environment. They strive to help each girl grow as an individual athlete as well as a team participant. They also create an environment that fosters community involvement by the players and the club as a whole.
They pledge to run an organized volleyball club, and they will communicate with parents as much as possible. Their coaches work together as a group, in an effort to not only better their own team, but the club as a whole. Coaches also continue their education of volleyball to obtain new techniques and drills that enable each player to develop to their full potential.