In the competition to keep families and to attract new ones, there exist many ways in which a club can gain an advantage.

One such way is through the offering of video and highlight reel services.

While it may seem like a headache not worth pursuing, given the importance of highlight reels in the recruiting process, a real opportunity exists to add value for families.

Club Inefficiency: Where’s the Video?

It is no secret that highlight reels are at the crux of the recruiting process. Coaches need these videos to get a feel for a player and to see if they are someone that fits their program athletically.

As we have explored, families rely on their club’s for recruiting assistance. Somewhat paradoxically, there is a large divide insofar as most clubs are not doing much in the video space to assist their student-athletes with these videos.

While this feels like a generalization, a survey conducted by SportsRecruits found that 72.08% of respondents said their club team takes no part in the making of their highlight reels.


Having a highlight reel strategy for student-athletes is a no-brainer in today’s world of recruiting. Helping student-athletes with these videos would not only add real, tangible value, but it would separate an organization from many in the space.

This can be accomplished in many ways. If a club doesn’t want to assist in the tangible making of these reels, they can outsource this at a discount to many companies that make these reels. Clubs can similarly assist by simply contracting out a video and editing profession to create these reels.

Further, the most important aspect of these reels is the source video. With tournaments and showcases being played in, there exists a real way to provide your families with this source material by contracting out a videographer or working with event organizers on a team discount.

While the video proposition seems like a costly one, it is probably worth it to consider. Not only will it increase the value you are adding to families in a very tangible way, but you are also separating yourself from a very crowded marketplace.


There exist many inefficiencies in today’s club recruiting landscape. By addressing any number here – the three we have discussed or many countless others – organizations would be better able to serve their families while simultaneously aiding their own business value.


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